

Leadership and Coaching Specialists > Articles > PRO-NOCTIS PER4MANCE ACADEMY IS FLYING!


Posted by: Phil Kelly
Category: Articles
Following a brilliant 2019 at the Per4mance Academy where we trained over 69 delegates across 8 different ILM courses and had attendees from across 14 different NHS trusts, it’s great to see that 2020 has started very much in the same vein. The month of March 2020 is busy for Pro-Noctis kicking off ILM 3, ILM 5 and ILM 7 Coaching and Mentoring programmes. These programmes will involve 37 delegates in total, learning, growing and developing and ultimately going back to their workplace with new skillsets to improve performance and enhance their working environment.
Following a positively manic March that is followed by a ILM 3 programme for a further 10 delegates in April. June and July will see our first ILM 7 Executive Coaching programme in London which is the culmination of referrals, demand and positive feedback.
In September we will deliver ILM 5 programme in Leeds and start our Coach Supervision training programme and there is more great news coming soon on this!
Look out for dates for our future courses
Exciting times!
If you would like more information on any of our course contact us here.
Best wishes.
Team PN

Author: Phil Kelly
An award-winning business owner and TED presenter, Phil lives and breaths performance. Having designed and delivered successful training packages across various industries worldwide, he now spends most of his time within business development and consulting. Phil Kelly