
It’s the most miserable day of the year.

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It’s the most miserable day of the year.

Posted by: Emma Rouse
Category: Articles, Blog

Yes, that’s right, today is the day when being a misery guts is common practice, but what is it about the third Monday in January that makes us feel so blue, and how can we install some much-needed positivity on this cold January day.

Maybe it’s the wintery weather, perhaps it’s the Christmas debt, or maybe it’s the never-ending covid situation that curtails our plans. 🤔

Or how about this, could it be, could it just be that we started the year with the hope of making a change for the better, a change that would help us to discover our potential, and already we feel we have failed in our New Year’s resolutions? 

That’s one to ponder for sure. 

How about we use today to get our plans back on track? 

We may never know what it is about this day or January; more realistically, that makes us feel glum. However, the truth of the matter is ‘Blue Monday’ is the brainchild of a travel magazine, to promote holidays to sunnier climes.

Blue Monday isn’t something with scientific backing, and if we are not careful, we could easily trivialise what is a genuine mental health problem for 1 in 4 adults every day. 

Mental health matters every day, not just on Monday’s

For me, Blue Monday is an opportunity to highlight the importance of well-being, take stock, re-evaluate what is important to us, and make the decisions that will change our lives for the better. 

Let’s test ourselves. Let’s rewind to New Year’s Day and ask ourselves what it was we wanted to achieve this year? What was that one thing you said was important to you and wanted as your number 1 priority for the year?

Have you committed to your goal? What progress have you made? 

2022 can be the year when you invest in yourself, but to do so requires a commitment to make the change and become a better version of yourself; it’s much more than just a feeling. 

So today, rather than seeing the day through fixed lenses, and being accepting of the miserable situation that is Blue Monday. How about you change the lens, adopt a growth mindset, and invest in yourself.

Today’s challenge is to diarise and plan how you will turn your New Year’s resolution into reality and look for the opportunities… they are out there.

“Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.” Martin Luther King, Jr.

Given the title of today, it would be remiss of me to not end this article with the importance of prioritising self-care; it is after all, far too easy to jump back on the hamster wheel in 2022. 

Don’t let your Christmas break go to waste; make sure you take breaks, give yourself the breathing space in your day to recharge and make time for the things that are important to you and your development. 

“The future belongs to those who prepare for it today.” Malcom X

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Pro-Noctis is an ILM-approved centre that delivers award-winning and accredited training to organisations and individuals across the UK and overseas. 

If you would like to learn how the Per4mance Academy could help you manage work-life balance and unleash your potential, get in touch today. 

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Author: Emma Rouse