
Meet the Trainer: Sally Strazzanti

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Meet the Trainer: Sally Strazzanti

Posted by: Phil Kelly
Category: Articles, Blog, ILM Courses

Over the last 16 years, I have trained hundreds of people at different levels on coaching and mentoring programs, from introduction to coaching programs through to level 7 Masters module programmes.

Before working in leadership development and coaching and mentoring, I worked in the health service in human resource management and organisational development. I have always been interested in what motivates, drives, and inspires people.

For me, it’s like a breath of fresh air stepping into the training room; it gives me so much satisfaction. I enjoy seeing people grow, develop, and learn, and supporting them to refine their skills, gain a spectrum of tools and techniques, and generally a lot more knowledge about themselves. 

I love the buzz and energy you get on day one of a new programme. 

I often don’t know anyone in the room, and neither will many delegates. There are many unknowns, but there is also an air of curiosity and inquisitiveness in the room. Everyone is there to learn, which sets the foundations for a productive day’s learning.

We want learning to be fun so that people take as much away from experience as possible. By creating an informal atmosphere in the training room, people feel comfortable, which helps them grow confidence and competence, confidence as individuals and confidence in working with others in the coaching and mentoring space.

We start our coaching journey by examining the coaching fundamentals, creating rapport, listening well, and asking great questions that allow people to think differently, take different perspectives, and challenge themselves.

Given the last two years, many conversations have related to the emotional impact of change and health and well-being in the workplace, and we have focused discussions and practice on these areas. 

As we progress, we introduce tools and techniques that help people think differently and apply them to their coaching journeys. We also cover the global code of ethics, diversity, contracting, and boundary management to ensure safe practice according to industry guidelines and benchmarks

The pacing of days of the programme allows delegates to immediately put into practice what they have learnt so they can see how relevant and valuable these skills are and how they can have an immediate impact. 

It’s important to translate the theory for delegates quickly to ensure the connections back into the workplace are seamless. 

We debrief after each practice to consider what we do in the training room and how we can use that in the workplace and how we can use these skills in meetings, teams, 1:1s, and even more relaxed chats over a cup of coffee.

I clearly remember when I went on a Coaching course about 17 years ago, it was a game-changer for me; I only wished I had done it sooner. My daughter was about four years old, and it helped me have different conversations with her over the years, especially the teenage years! 

When someone enrols on a coaching qualification, they are starting a journey of skill enrichment, a journey where they will refine what they already know and learn new skills that will help them as leaders in their home lives just as much as in their work lives. 

The language we use and the type of questions we ask are some of the most powerful tools.

Author: Phil Kelly
An award-winning business owner and TED presenter, Phil lives and breaths performance. Having designed and delivered successful training packages across various industries worldwide, he now spends most of his time within business development and consulting. Phil Kelly