A highly interactive 6 day ILM 7 Certificate For Executive and Senior Level Coaches and Mentors. This programme is specifically aimed at senior leaders, Human Resources(HR)/Organisation Development (OD) professionals, independent coaches and mentors/NLP practitioners seeking to enhance and accredit their experience with a nationally recognized qualification.
- Be able to assess your own skills, knowledge and behaviours as a coach and mentor
- Know how to manage the coaching or mentoring process within an organisational context
- Deepen your understanding of how the organisational context can affect coaching or mentoring
- Plan, deliver and review your coaching and mentoring
- Plan your future development in coaching or mentoring
- Effective and confident first-line managers
- Better relationships and communication in teams
- Measurable results: workplace-based assessment ensures new skills are effectively transferred to your business
- A broad range of optional units – qualification can be tailored to your organisation’s learning and development needs.
- Understand the skills, principles and practice of effective coaching and mentoring within an organizational context
- Undertake effective coaching or mentoring within an organizational context
- Review own ability as a coach or mentor within an organizational context
The Venue for this programme will be in the area you selected for the face to face training days.
The programme includes ILM registration fees, ILM certification and assessment and attendance on a day delegate basis.
We restrict the number of participants on each programme to ensure that participants receive a high level of tutor support.
You will be required to maintain a reflective coaching diary/learning logs following the tutor days and reflect upon your performance. The certificate is awarded following successful completion of the work-based assignment, a minimum of 20 hours coaching/mentoring practice and the submission of your reflective assessment of your coaching diary. The deadline for written submissions is approximately 6 months after the tutor dates.
Reach out about the ILM Level 7 course.
If you’re unsure if the ILM Level 7 course is right for you, please reach out to a Pro Noctis representative that can help you.
Current Covid-19 Payment & Booking Policy
Your safety matters. If you think Coronavirus (COVID-19) may affect your plans or if our course location & venue is effected, your booking will be held and you will be loaded on to the next available course. course dates or venue you can either rebook on to a later course or opt for a 100% refund.