
Introducing the ‘Rising Star’ Programme: Empowering Community Health Partnership’s future leaders

In collaboration with Community Health Partnerships (CHP), Pro-Noctis has developed a bespoke leadership development programme aimed at nurturing the next generation of leadership talent within the organisation. Through the ‘Rising Star’ Programme, participants will receive high-quality leadership training that aligns with CHP’s vision, strategic objectives, values, and behaviours. Upon completion, participants will gain official recognition…

Pro-Noctis to withdraw from cycling team sponsorship after four successful years
After four remarkable years of partnership and numerous, significant accomplishments, the decision to end the sponsorship of Finish Line Racing has been a “difficult but timely decision” says Phil Kelly, Managing Director of Pro-Noctis.  The partnership between Pro-Noctis and the Finish Line Racing Team shared a vision of high performance, ambition, and a love of...
Let’s not meet: The impact of too many meetings.

“You have a meeting to make a decision, not to decide on the question.” – Bill Gates Have you ever left a meeting lamenting why you could not have just had the same discussion via email? If so, you probably won’t be surprised to learn that around 72% of all workplace meetings are considered ineffective,…

Culture Check: Why you need a company culture audit

“Organisational Culture is the “water” in the fishbowl. If the water is clean, nourishing, energising the fish will thrive and if the water is toxic the fish will die leaving the infrastructure value-less.” – Ranjan De Silva, Sensei International The culture of an organisation is something that can’t always be seen but can always be…

The Tour of Britain: Pro-Noctis takes to the multi-stage…

If you are a cycling fan, then you undoubtedly have this weekend marked in your diary. From June 6 – 9, the UK’s biggest stage race for the women’s peloton returns. The Tour of Britain Women will feature the finest of women’s cycling, racing an epic, four-day-long route around Wales and northern England. The event…

Survey Says: The value of your employee engagement surveys

Understanding your employees’ engagement levels are essential for determining the overall health of a company. We would go as far to say it is a strategic imperative. According to Gallup’s State of the Global Workplace 2023 Report, only 23% of workers said they were “engaged” at work in 2022. The remaining 77% were disengaged; either…