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How to Build Trust at Work?

“Great teams have trust at the heart of their success. If you don’t trust each other, you’ll play safe. Trust makes it possible to aim higher. To leap further and to know someone has your back if you fall.”  – Adam Grant, author of Hidden Potential. Many companies and leaders we collaborate with seek to improve…

Do you want to become a better Manager or Leader?

One of our most popular qualifications is the ILM Level 5 Certificate in Effective Coaching and Mentoring. Over recent years, we have had the pleasure of supporting many professionals from various fields—including healthcare, education, retail, finance, and the charity sector—to achieve an ILM Level 5. Despite the differences in their professional backgrounds, what unites many…

What to Do If You Disagree with Your Boss

“We can agree to disagree, but we don’t need to be disagreeable.” — John Wooden Inevitably, we will all disagree with people from time to time. A difference of opinion with a senior colleague or your boss, however, may feel particularly disconcerting! Maybe you don’t agree with the trajectory of a project, the implementation of…

#ByYourSide: Pro-Noctis partners with Birmingham Women and Children’s NHS Foundation

Pro-Noctis has been collaborating with the Birmingham Women and Children’s NHS Foundation on a new leadership development initiative dedicated to supporting the career growth of staff from minority ethnic backgrounds and other protected groups. Together, we’re developing a specialised module to enhance leadership skills and foster career advancement for diverse staff. The #ByYourSide programme is…

Understanding Human Factors and its impact on the workplace

“There is an essential human factor in every business endeavour.” – Bill Gates   As humans, we are prone to making mistakes. Our attention can waver, and we may overlook critical information. We can become distracted, tired, unmotivated, or preoccupied. Miscommunication and misunderstandings are part of our daily lives, highlighting the importance of understanding and…

Let’s Talk: Internal communication really matters

“The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.” – George Bernard Shaw Good internal communication is the key to a thriving, healthy business. Not only is it essential for information sharing, but it encompasses all the ways that people within a company keep in touch with each other and…