
Virtual Team Building

Leadership and Coaching Specialists > Virtual Team Building

Remember the good old days of face to face team development sessions, away days and town halls?

They seem like a lifetime ago.

The need for team interaction, rapport building and a shared experience has never been greater. We have never been so connected but so disconnected at the same time.

We can help!

Welcome To Our Bespoke Virtual Team Development Sessions

How well is your team operating at the moment?

Pre-Covid 19 a degree of our business was orientated toward assisting individuals and teams develop their performance. Our experience of working cross industry allows us to really appreciate what is going on from several perspectives. Inefficient practices, poor communication, lack of trust, poor leadership and poor followership are some of the hallmarks of teams and individuals not operating at their best, with the negative impact on those 2 valuable resources – time and money.

What are we seeing now?

Since Covid 19 this has not changed and whilst there are some inspiring stories of businesses re-orientating and thriving during this pandemic we are also hearing and seeing of businesses struggling. Individuals are coming under more pressure to perform within their environment placing further pressure on their teams around them. A recipe for disaster as the previous cracks in performance are widened.

What are we doing?

We re-orientated our business model very quickly from in person face:face to online very quickly; helping individuals and teams develop their personal and inter-personal skills; consequently, helping teams thrive and perform.

How do we do this?

Our model hasn’t changed – you tell us what you are seeing, hearing and feeling and what good looks like in your domain, we then help you achieve that performance in your team. Along the way we will gather valuable insights from you, as the key stakeholder and also from your team identifying their perspective on their world. From there we will create a series of relevant and interactive online sessions that are personal and tailored to meet the needs of the team.

In short, we will help you and your team perform!

What next?

Want to know more? Get in touch using the link below.

HSBC Testimonial

“As soon as lockdown hit we knew we had to do something different. Immediately we thought of Pro-Noctis. After an hours conversation we had our Team Development sessions taken online, Webinars arranged for our Wellbeing stratey and motivational talks scheduled for throughout 2020. With literally 100’s in attendance on evey WebEx, to say we are deligted is an under statement. Get in touch with them, you will not be disappointed”

Lisa, HSBC Mortgage Division

Our Core Open Courses

Course ID: HPP

Title: Human Performance Practitioner


This course is only available with Pro-Noctis, it is our own designed award winning course!!!

We have designed this course specifically for coaches who are serious about techniques which dramatically improve Human Performance.The 5 day course is bursting with the skills our Human Performance Coaches use with our worldwide clients. The course has received critical acclaim and is fast becoming the blue ribbon course in the industry. During the 5 days you will learn:

  • How to effectively use language with your clients to multiply their performance.
  • Effective Communication
  • Barriers to Elite Performance
  • Developing a winning mindset
  • Coaching Philosophy
  • TTPP and its application
  • The Elite Performance Equation & how to coach towards it
  • How to Coach your Client past their Limiting Beliefs
  • Motivation and Resilience Under Pressure
  • Working with an Ego
  • Creating Flow

This course is suitable for those with a Growth mindset. The content throughout the week is the most cutting edge content from our award winning Pro-Noctis Performance Academy.

Course Title: Coaching

We believe that coaching is one of the most underutilised skills in the workplace. We have taken the proven techniques and principles used by elite coaches over the last century and created a road map of how to utilise coaching in everyday life. Coaching is not limited to Olympians and professional sports stars, the fundamentals can assist in making a highly effective working environment through open dialogue and development.

Course Title: Mentoring

Mentoring is a highly effective tool in developing an extremely productive workplace. We can provide your highly productive personnel with skills that will allow them to tactfully share their procedures and methods with other staff so best practice is shared in-house. The ability to give and receive this information is critical and our training package covers this in great depth.

Course Title: Effective Leadership

Never before has effective leadership been so vital in the fluid forward thinking businesses of today. Leadership requires inspiration, determination, energy, synergy, vision, empathy and resolve but above all it needs the leader to effectively project and communicate these qualities. We take a Human Performance approach to leadership where we coach the behaviour and study the effects the leader has on those around. Examining the culture of the organisation and the collective reality of what that cultural statement means to each employee while exploring how the leaders communicate this vital message.

Course Title: Management

Management is a skill that is developed over time and with experience and high quality training. This can be accelerated with our HF 505 training intervention. We assist managers by providing skill sets that allow them to engage on a personal level with the staff and discover how each one is motivated differently and have different requirements from a manager. With this, subtle changes in the approach to areas such as the type and level of communication, supervision and delegation will help your staff accelerate their level of performance.

Course Title: Executive Coaching

We believe that all members of an organisation can benefit from coaching and the senior managers are no different. Our one-to-one executive coaching sessions have been highly successful amongst multi-million pound organisations, the MOD, Police and professional sports stars. This tactful approach to coaching can be discreet and personalised and allows executives to see other options are available, whilst fully applying themselves to their company’s goals.

Course Title: Self Awareness

We believe that everything starts with self-awareness. When workers, managers and executives become more self-aware they become more flexible in ways to manage themselves and others. Understanding that everyone in the world is an individual and how you ‘see’ the world is not the way others might ‘see’ it. When self-awareness is developed within an organisation there is secondary gain in other areas such as situational awareness, emotional intelligence and behavioural flexibility.

Course Title: Team Development

We believe that team development should contain specific goals that can be reached through enjoyment. Having a clear but flexible goal for each training intervention allows for a structured long-term strategy that incorporates a multitude of techniques and approaches that enhances the learning exponentially. The way we approach this is with group-based problem solving activities that can be very challenging yet entirely achievable. These sessions are then reviewed in detail by our expert facilitators who are able to link any key learning points back to the work environment to create a clear and positive future.

Course Title: Behavioural Safety Awareness (BSA)

Our flagship introductory course t is suitable for all employee and contractors within any industry. Some of the topics covered are situational awareness, rule and procedural violations, safety culture, communication breakdown and safety critical confusion. Like all of our courses this can be delivered bespoke, or part of a structured long-term strategy of development.

Course ID: HP001

Title: Awareness of Behaviours and Cultures (ABC)

Description: This industry-leading course has been designed in collaboration with some of the leading lights across multiple industries. From military fast jet and multi-engined pilots to vastly experienced CAAI Pilots, oil and gas health and safety specialists to senior medical professionals. This groundbreaking course has been designed to address the cross cultural environments now found through out the professional working environment and the subsequent behaviours displayed. We have deliberately designed a framework for the course that can be tailored to any industry in order to highlight the specific areas for development, with room for input from the client and it’s organisation. Like all of our courses this can be delivered bespoke, or part of a structured long-term strategy of development.

About CPD

Pro-Noctis intends, where needed, to line up with requirements for continuous development so we accredit our courses for CPD points. We are a CPD-approved body and drive a programme of accreditation. Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is commonly defined as: “Intentionally developing the knowledge, skills and personal knowledge needed to perform professional responsibilities.” Professional institutes, CPD schemes and their requirements vary on a spectrum of mandatory to obligatory to voluntary. Typically, if the institute is operating within an industry where a regulator is present, the regulator will expect the institutes within that industry to enforce mandatory CPD requirements to their individual members.

Regulated industries include healthcare, social work, accountancy, legal and financial services, hence in a regulated industry individual professionals who do not keep up to date with their CPD can lose their license to practice.

Bespoke Training Programmes

We pride ourselves on our flexible approach to training and one of our main drivers is to provide what the client needs. If you would like to discuss your training options or for Pro-Noctis to conduct an onsite training needs analysis then please contact us now.


JOIN UP for our Elite Per4mance Programme with Pro-Noctis Executive Coaching.

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